Southeast Asia electronics manufacturer customer visit

Recently, our sales team visited a manufacturer of electronic products in Southeast Asia. The manufacturer mainly purchases PP, PS, PET Sheet Roll and other materials for the production of electronic products outer packaging.

In the office, the customer carefully checked the small samples of the products we provided and expressed great satisfaction with the quality and performance performance. Then, our sales staff gave a detailed product explanation on the customer's writing board, introducing the features, advantages and applicable scenarios of the products. The customer expressed high recognition of our products and services, and expressed willingness to continue cooperation with us.

In order to better show our products, we also showed the product picture book to our customers, introducing our production process, quality control and after-sales service. The customer appreciated our professional knowledge and attitude and considered us as a trustworthy partner.

The customer visit was a complete success and we believe that we will continue to provide high quality products and excellent service to our customers in future cooperation.

Attached pictures:
(Picture description: The first picture shows the customer checking our product samples in the office; the second picture shows us explaining the product on the customer's writing board; the third picture shows us showing the customer the product catalogue.)

Product samples Explaining the product Product catalog TAG: Visiting customers

Contact us

If possible, kindly suggest please your working industry/process, working pressure, working medium, etc. Given detailed request helps to gain better-matched customized solution. Thanks for your patience.

your request will be responsed within 3 hours, kindly pay attention to your email please.


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